Salineville Lodge No. 348

Lodge Officers

Worshipful Master: WB Joshua N. Jackson

Senior Warden: Bro. Edward S. Brown, Jr.

Junior Warden: Bro. David C. Stock

Treasurer: WB Cody G. Cole

Secretary: WB Ray Hays

Chaplain: WB Robert L. Henry, Jr.

Senior Deacon: WB Dalles Cole

Junior Deacon: Bro. Thomas E. Busby

Senior Steward: Bro. Jay A. Cole

Junior Steward: Bro. Michael R. Lutz

Tyler: Bro. Stephen F. Vallera

Lodge Education Officer: WB Cody G. Cole

Prospect Manager: WB Cody G. Cole

Marshal: WB Jeremiah L. Cole

Located: 610 Jefferson Street, Salineville, Ohio 43945

Stated Meeting: 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the Month 7:30 pm. We go dark in July & August

Chartered: October 29, 1903
